Martial Arts Classes in Bright

Looking for Martial Arts Classes for kids..? Try Shaolin Martial Arts!


When and Where

Every Thursday afternoon, following this schedule:

GROUP #1: Children
( 5 to 9 years old ):
4:00 PM to 4:45 PM

GROUP #2: Kids
( 10 to 16 years old ):
5:00 PM to 5:45 PM

Where: Bright Community Centre, 1 Railway Avenue, Bright

What exactly my Kid will be learning?

Shaolin Martial Asts combine Martial techniques with Advanced Gymnastics, and can be considered the most complete Martial Art form you can learn today. Here’s a demo:

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More info about Shaolin at the end of this page.

Who will be teaching classes?

Fabio ZambelliClasses are run by Fabio Zambelli
– 28 years xp Shaolin Master – certified by the Shaolin Monastery and the Italian Olympic Committee.
– Designer of Heart of The Orient Dojo.
– Author of book Martial Arts Explained – to the heart of martial art

Costs and Bookings:

Cost: 20 $ per class. Discounts apply for “per-term” enrollments (see below)


(single class) (multiple classes)

Please attend classes 5 minutes before commencement time



Term 3 restarting Thursday 18 July


More about Shaolin

Shaolin Martial Arts are 1500 years-old arts that blend martial techniques with well-being practices,  All modern martial arts styles generate from the Shaolin temple.

YouTube player

For however long your kids will train at our Academy, they will be committed to learn to master their body and mind, to learn discipline and respect, and to defend themselves and others: a difficult task, which does not allow indecisions and weakness.

The dignity of a Shaolin Warrior will make you approach your kids’ life with another style. Because martial skills will be exalted forever.
Because their preparation will always be by their side, wherever they go.

Self Defense

When attending our martial arts classes in Bright, plenty of space will be also given to Advanced Self Defense, as your kids will learn both Joint Locks and Psychology of Aggression: an essential combination of disciplines for kids to be confident and ready wherever they go:

YouTube player


kung fu classes newcastle nswAll classes and styles belong to the Shunlian Shenghuo Kungfu Academy program and are brought to you in their genuineness.
Not sure which class suits you most..? Try our Style choice Advisor!

The Shunlian Shenghuo Kungfu Academy allows its Students to learn any class with no limitation. However, we strongly suggest to follow a gradual 3+2 year program where you can start from the easiest skill to the most complex Shaolin Kungfu technique. Furthermore, this is the only way the Academy will recognize your achievements.